james r m black, chris bailey, joanna przewrocka, krijn k dijkstra, *charles swanton
cancer genome evolution research group, university college london cancer institute, university college london, london, uk (jrmb); cancer evolution and genome instability laboratory, the francis crick institute, london nw1 1at, uk (cb, jp, kkd, cs); cancer research uk lung cancer centre of excellence, university college london cancer institute, london, uk (cs); and university college london hospitals nhs trust, london, uk (cs)
jrmb and cb contributed equally to this correspondence. this work was supported by the royal society (cs is a royal society napier professor of cancer) and the francis crick institute, which receives its core funding from cancer research uk, the uk medical research council, and the wellcome trust. cs receives grant support from pfizer, astrazeneca, bms, roche-ventana, boehringer ingelheim and ono pharmaceutical; has consulted for pfizer, novartis, glaxosmithkline, msd, bms, celgene, astrazeneca, illumina, genentech, roche-ventana, grail, medicxi, and the sarah cannon research institute; is a shareholder of apogen biotechnologies, epic bioscience, and grail; and has stock options in and is co-founder of achilles therapeutics. all other authors declare no competing interests.
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