[1] wiley strategyzer series: valueproposition design, business model generation and testing business ideas
[2] product design and development, k.ulrich, s. eppinger, mcgraw hill
[3] creating innovators, the making ofyoung people who will change the world, tony wagner, scribner
[4] the art of innovation, tom kelley (总结stanford d.school设计思维方法论)
[5] measure what matters, john doer (okr) (讲述科学的管理方法)
[6] the innovators, walter isaacson, simon& schuster (数字技术时代创新者的共同点)
[7] the idea factory, bell labs and the greatage of american innovation, jon gertner
[8] steve jobs, walter isaacson, simon& schuster
[9] israel, a concise history of a nationreborn, daniel gordis (创新国度以色列)
[10] start-up nation, the story of israel’seconomic miracle, dan senor and saul singer.
[11] a whole new engineer, d goldberg andm. somerville, three joy associates, inc. 2014
[12] “the olin curriculum, thinking towardsthe future”, m. somerville, et al, ieee trans on education, pp. 198-205, 2005.
[ 13] mindset, changing the way you thinkto fulfil your potential, dr carol s. dweck, random house, 2006.
[14] grit, the power of passion andperseverance, angela duckworth, scribner, 2016
[15] “rethinking faculty development andassessment at olin college”, r. christensen, et al, 2016.
[16] “my education at olin college”, r. schutzengel, physics today, 2014.
[17] “the current and future role oftechnology and innovation centres in the uk”, a report by dr hermann hauser forlord mandelson, secretary of state department for business innovation &skills, 2009.
[18] the global state of the art inengineering education, new engineering education transformation, dr ruthgraham, mit 2018.
[19] “remaking engineering education forthe innovation economy”, dr richard miller, presentation at hkust iasdistinguished lecture series, dec. 12,2018.
[20]the integration of the humanities andarts with sciences, engineering andmedicine in higher education. consensus study report, the national academies ofsciences, engineering and medicine.
[21]颠覆创新人才培养的欧林经验, 李泽湘,知识分子, 2019-05-06
[22] reimaging and enpowering design of projects: a project-based learning goals framework, j. d.stolk and r. martello, olin college of engineering, 2018
[23]value proposition design: how to create products and services customers want,alexander osterwalder,yves pigneur, gregory bernarda, alan smith,2014
[24]business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, andchallengers,osterwalder, alexander,2010
[25] testing business ideas: a field guide forrapid experimentation,alexander osterwalder,david j.bland,2019